Latest Strip: "Wake-Up Call" - Sunday, November 7, 2021
- Latest Strip: "Wake-Up Call" -
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Drawlloween 2021 is Available NOW! = D | |
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I know I've been saying that a lot but this one? This actually did take longer than I had expected (And not just because it's the collected edition of pics from a month-long activity).
So! What's this all about? - It's 31 High-Res versions of the pics I had been posting throughout October. - Each pic has either expanded info or straight up story stuff that's exclusive to the book. The extra tweets and the public Patreon posts? That was me figuring things out. What's currently in the book? That's the payoff and why it took a week to get it done. - It's only 34 pages. It's Technically 60+ but I'm not a monster. I mean... I AM but I'm not mean enough to do a digital book release without setting the info and image pages up as spreads. It's wide but it works for the short story that seems to have found its way into this one. = )
As with all of my Drawlloween books, this is a Pay-What-You-Want dealie. You can get the book for just a dollar or you can toss in a bit more if the feeling moves you.
It's currently available over at my Gumroad shop Here. -> [Book LinkTastic!]
Now I'm off to finish up the last of these inks and relax with some Animal Crossing. = )
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, November 7, 2021 - 12:04 AM |
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