Latest Strip: "Vision Test" - Sunday, November 28, 2021
- Latest Strip: "Vision Test" -
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Turkey Day Weekend! | |
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Of the things I was thankful for, one was the existence of Lactaid. Seems Time has been returned to me and the criminally large amounts of milk I like to consume every so often now hurts. Not great for a person like myself who loves ice cream but having ways to mitigate possible stomach issues made things better. = )
As for all that Black Friday/Shop Small Saturday/Wallet Melting Sunday/Cyber Monday dealies... I don't really have anything personally setup as far as the Biff books go. The best I can say is, if you want some Biff merch, check that part of the Store page.
I know RedBubble and Zazzle tend to run some solid Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. I also know their products are pretty solid 'cause You Know I've bought my own shirts. If I didn't dig the quality of their products, I would've taken my stuff elsewhere long ago.
So swing through, see if you like anything and maybe show some financial love! -> [Store LinkTastic!]
Now I'm off to try and watch 'Luca'. I know I'm late to the Disney+ game but I haven't been big on streaming services like for a while. Now I get to play catch up (Hopefully)!
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, November 28, 2021 - 12:16 AM |
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