† Latest Strip: "Insight" - Sunday, October 23, 2022

- Latest Strip: "Insight" -
Sunday, October 23, 2022

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The Joys of Modern Living

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Today's been a "Fun" day. -.-

So I ended my day at around 5AM this morning having just put in a preorder for a HG Gundam Engage Zero (GP00) kit which should ship out around March of 2023. P-Bandai is pretty good with their shipping dates and I expect it'll show either in the middle or toward the end of that month. With a little luck, I'll have cleared some of my Gunpla backlog by then.

As I attempted sleep, I heard some loud banging. I thought it was some folks outside doing work so I didn't think anything of it. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Little did I know that the boiler for my house's heating system had effectively crapped out on us! -.-

And that the heaters where leaking!

And not like "This could be a problem but I got the mop." level of leakage but "Hey, did you leave the water running?" level of leakage! -.-

Needless to say... it's gonna' be a cold one. We got electric heaters and all but we have to wait a bit for someone to come around and fix the issue proper. Dumping the overflow (So Much Water!) and shutting off power to the unit stopped the large column of water in the system from leaking from... pretty much everywhere, honestly. Had to move my art desk - which sits directly in front of my heater - back into my room and away from where I have my trusty old desk lamp... which leads to the next thing.

I bought a new clamp-on desk lamp! It's a Ksunun Double Head LED Desk Lamp. A neat little thing that should be able to light my Art desk better and not be stuck about a foot and a half away from what it needs to light. It kept popping up in the reviews of other lamps and was the most middleground of what I was looking for - not super expensive with functions I'll never use but also not so cheap in quality that it's just another pointless bit of tech. That last point remains to be seen but the non-sponsored videos I found on it convinced me to give it a shot.

So... I went from getting a toy from Japan to dealing with issues in an old heating systems in a Victorian house to getting a lamp with tech that not 20 years ago would have been thousands of dollars for like just under $60 or so.

It's been a day, folks. It's been a Day.

I'm off to grab a hot sandwich and see if I can at least attempt to get this next Drawlloween entry sketched. The next strip was planned to be a filler 'cause Halloween but I guess it also works as a short breather while things are being repaired.

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 12:31 AM

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