† Latest Strip: "VSafe" - Sunday, October 15, 2023

- Latest Strip: "VSafe" -
Sunday, October 15, 2023

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Back on my BS...

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I love how a project just kinda' helps me think sometimes. Case in Point: This year's Drawlloween.

As of a bit after I post this, I'll be 14 days into this year's batch of monster pics and I gotta' tell ya'... I missed this.

Even with the early end to last year's batch, I'm always feeling more myself when I have that extra little thing to look forward to with these prompts. I know this is temporary but I'm really enjoying the work I've done so far. Out of this batch, I have a few pics I dig and would like to either do more with or maybe find a place for the character in something else. = )

I know I've mentioned it before (and probably often enough that it's annoying by now) but that's kinda' the point of the thing. With Drawlloween, I can relax and draw without a hard and fast deadline but also not get so lost in things that I either do something else or barely sketch anything at all. The lists I use have just enough direction that I can take off running but not so much that I feel like it's some kind of test and I have to make things fit into whatever little box it feels like the prompt is asking for. This is also why I've used some super basic lists instead of the "Official" list which is a litany of bad puns and jokes. No disrespect to the folks who make it, though.

I love myself a good groaner or two but I can't use them as prompts for drawing without things feeling like a job. o.O

Now I'm off to stretch, eat and do something I've been putting off for a bit - Fold my laundry. It's been in my basket for a bit now and well... there's a reason I have a ton of shirts. That way folks never have to see my recently washed yet wrinkled gear that's been in a condensed heap for a week. = P

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. I did a few days ago and Ha HA! My arm's still kinda' sore 'cause I did stuff afterward instead of taking it easy like you're supposed to.

And, as always, Remember to keep your head up. Things are pretty damn dark right now. It's okay to step away from things if you have to.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, October 15, 2023 - 12:07 AM

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