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Writing Away the Days |
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'Cause I had absolutely no intention to simply stay silent this whole time while you folks drop by going "Where's my strip!", I'm checking in to say that I do still live and so does the strip. = )
Here's the skinny: Unlike other folks, I like to have (at the very least) a script buffer - a set amount of weeks worth of scripts written - so I can simply grab my gear and go draw. I am that weird guy who can't seem to simply come up with a two week story on-the-fly. I have to sit down a write, edit what I got and bounce ideas of an unholy crap-ton of people before I touch pencil to paper.
I polished off one chunk of story last night and I'm starting to flow into the next chunk tonight. I hope to get a good two more chunks out of the way before Friday night (when I start in on Sunday's strip). I really want to have scripts written well into December if I can swing it so... back to the Script Mines for me!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 - 10:19 PM |
Arc is done, now for a break! |
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The strip will be up soon enough, I assure you. = )
I'll probably toss up a strip on Sunday but I'm pretty much at the end of my script buffer. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's good that I successfully got more strips up in less time. It's bad that I need to take a some time off to write ahead again.
Biff won't be gone for too long, I promise. I will, however, be better prepped for a two-a-week schedule when it returns and I will have changed up the various places I have a link at accordingly.
'Till next time! = D
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 - 10:34 PM |
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