Latest Strip: "Easter 2008" - Sunday, March 23, 2008
- Latest Strip: "Easter 2008" -
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Just doing my Code Monkey thing | |
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I am indeed.
Spent the better part of today digging through old PHP bits I've acquired to improve the site. Being the guy I am, I tried to smash this stuff together in an ever increasing attempt to make them work. Beat on them all I like, nothing wanted to go. So I fell on my stronger skill - the unique ability to search the web and find stuff that isn't completely useless. = )
After a couple of hours of fruitless searches, I came across what could be considered the spiritual successor to DJ's webcomicConfig script: The WebComic Administrator. It's built off of DJ's work and it is still exceptionally light and easy - great for a not-too-clueless guy like me. A good set of options with the abilities to edit old posts/comics as well as upload both a head of time. Not too shabby if you ask me. Biggest bonus: he put in an Archive system. That's pretty much the reason I was trying to cobble stuff together!
I'm currently doing some testing on it but it may so up here some time in April. If you're just starting in webcomics and you already have a web hosting service, this might be the thing for you. 'Till next time.
*Poof* |
Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 12:59 AM |
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