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BtV 1.5 - What's New! |
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Simple Answer: Not too much has changed on the outside. It's mostly internal stuff.
Long Answer: The store link now points the CafePress shop, there is an actual factual Archive link and I replaced the internal ad bar with two Project Wonderful half banner ads. If you look to your left, you'll notice a nifty Share button from AddThis. This give you the option to pimp Biff practically anywhere you want - from Facebook to Digg. = )
If you find that something is broken or you have something you think may help improve the site, feel free to drop me an email. 'Till next time!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - 12:30 AM |
Quick Like a Bunny |
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The Vida arc is now complete and just in time, too. This week is April Fool's and you know I can't miss it. Like Halloween, celebrating April Fool's Day means doing things that would most likely get folks into trouble every other day of the year. = D
Next week sees the start of a new arc and the appearance of a new site. I put the WCA through it's paces and it seems to be holding up pretty good. I'll be spending the bulk of the time this week doing tweaks and whatnot - basic layout stuff, really. Might even get it done before next Sunday. Either way, I'm going to have to be quick like a bunny on this one. = )
Sunday, March 30, 2008 - 12:39 AM |
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