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Pokemon Yellow GET! = D |
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I love Pokemon. It's the series that got me to not only buy Gameboys but to look into emulation as a means of playing the stuff I wanted but didn't have the money or access to.
Of the versions I've wanted to scoop, Pokemon Yellow was pretty much at the top of the list. I played the ROM before I had the funds and the gear to play it for real. Once I had the funds and gear, I couldn't find the cart. Years passed, I bought the updated versions of the games I once only played on my PC but Yellow was always just out of reach...
Until now.
I'm going to play the Pikachu out of this while I still have the chance. Apparently, some of the old school glitches still live in the Virtual Console versions Nintendo just released. Gonna' get myself a Mew in-game without an event or a cheat device (and Maybe see if I can encounter a Missing No the proper way). Add it to my collection.
'Till next time! = )
Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 12:16 AM |
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