Latest Strip: "Customer Service" - Thursday, January 19, 2017
- Latest Strip: "Customer Service" -
Thursday, January 19, 2017
First Strip of 2017! | |
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Stuff that happened while I was away:
- Got a bunch of nice shirts and sketchbooks for Christmas. - Got a nifty new Iron Man-styled backlit keyboard for Three King's Day. - Made not one but Two videos of me drawing on my phone, thus adding something other than terrible box openings to my YouTube channel! -> [Video LinkTastic Pt1!] [Video LinkTastic Pt2!]
I'm trying to make that last one a Thing of sorts. I want to post videos of my actual doing the voodoo that I do every so often. This is in part 'cause I can't spark broadcasts reliably. My 'Net connection just isn't solid enough where I have my setup for me to say I'm going to stream some work and make good on that statement.
The other reason is that, over on my Patreon, the one and only goal listed is How-To videos from me. That's set at $150 which is really an arbitrary number that my old algebra teacher used to use as a joke answer for every question. It's also quite the amount considering that only a few weeks ago, my YouTube page had A Single Art Video and that was poorly shot and from 2008.
Really Hard to be all "Hey! Get me to this level and you'll get drawing How-Tos from me!" when the only drawing video among a sea of box openings looks absolutely terrible. -.-
So I'm going to remedy that one video at a time! Although they won't drop like clockwork or anything, I will try to do one or two a month if I can swing it.
Now to get some sleep. I've been up far longer than I should've fiddling with this one.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Thursday, January 19, 2017 - 6:24 AM |
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