Latest Strip: "Squirrely" - Wednesday, February 8, 2017
- Latest Strip: "Squirrely" -
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
I LIVE AGAIN!! >.< | |
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And I brought a video I uploaded back when this was originally planned to go up. [Video LinkTastic!]
No lie, the last few weeks have been a motivation killer. I'm one of those odd ducks who likes to watch the news and see if there's anything I can make (relatively) good-natured jokes about. This has been a TERRIBLE Idea since a certain someone took office. In fact, I haven't felt this terrible about the world and the direction things are going in since... ever, really. And I'm old enough to have watched the Berlin Wall fall while many a pop song was - despite their upbeat sound - about the End of the World (sometimes via nuclear warfare). -.-
I'm not going to get too heavy with this here 'cause I have two modes: Public and Private. This is my Public Mode but I have to get a little bit off my chest and I promise it won't be all doom and gloom. I mean, I can... but not here.
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. No two ways about it... This Is Not Normal. Does this mean we let it get us down? Not by a long shot.
For me, I'll do what I can on my own to help. This strip helps me stay level-headed and I'll do my damnedest to make sure things stay as relatively light as I normally roll around here. I'm not Doonesbury so don't worry about caricatures of political figures suddenly popping up out of nowhere. = )
What I ask of you, the readers, is to keep your heads up. Things will be dark. The news will be worse than usual and we are in for a Very rough time. One thing I learned in these last few weeks is it's okay to turn the world off for a while to breathe. It's alright to relax.
Yes, we need to keep an eye on things. No, we don't have to destroy ourselves when things get too much for us to handle.
On that note, I'm going to sign off here and do something that will hopefully bring a little joy to these less-than-awesome days: A new set of Biff Valentines. Possibly getting some other non-Biff artwork done if I can swing it. Also, coffee 'cause mine seems to have disappeared while I was typing and re-typing and editing this for the past hour and a half.
'Till next time. = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 - 11:15 PM |
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