Latest Strip: "Deep Dive Pt4" - Sunday, August 27, 2017
- Latest Strip: "Deep Dive Pt4" -
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Cartoooons! >.< | |
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And we're done with this story bit. = )
Here's a quick rundown of the cartoons I watched while writing this one: - TigerSharks: SilverHawks at sea? ThunderCats with fish? Best way to describe it is a research science team can change into water-friendly forms via a system called "The Fish Tank". It's all sorts of goofy but great if you're a fan of the other more well known series it's related to. They also cameo'd in an episode of the updated ThunderCats series as one of species enslaved on Mumm-Ra's ship. = ) - Street Frogs: A frog dance crew making their way B-Boy style. It Drips late 70's/early 80's hip hop style. - Camp Mini Monsters: The closest thing to this as of late would be 'Camp Lakebottom' with added mystical folks. It's a goofy little thing but it wins me over with it's monsters and it's animated Bass-Rankin styling which sounds like it would be out-of-place but it so works. - Galaxy High School: The intro says it all. A show by Chris Columbus (of 'Home Alone' and 'Adventures in Babysitting' fame) and animated by TMS, it's about as 80's as a show can get while still being enjoyable today. It's got everything - neat aliens, a jock and nerd duo, all that 80's style... it's fun but, like Biff says of his faves, it didn't age well. worth a watch as TMS popped the whole thing onto one of their YouTube pages. -> [Rad LinkTastic!]
The first three were all a part of a block known as the 'Comic Strip'. If anything, you can blame TigerSharks for leading me to that old thing and the other 'toons afterward. In fact, the only part of that cartoon block I don't recommend is the one I left off - Karate Kat. It's just bad. Like... it could pass as a sarcastic parody of old 80's cartoons today if you saw it as a cutaway in something like 'Family Guy' or 'The Simpsons. Maybe even a throwaway joke on late night Adult Swim.
Now to grab a bite and figure out which story bit comes next. With Destiny 2 officially dropping in the next few weeks and the PC beta dropping sometime This week, I want to get as far ahead as I can. I know me. I know what I do when I'm tempted by the games I like.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, August 27, 2017 - 1:21 AM |
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