Going to try and make this quick so... here we go!
On Gundam:
The game 'New Gundam Breakers' dropped this past Friday. It's fun yet hard and worth a shot if you dig the Gundam Build series.
It drops its story primarily like a dating sim - using static pics and a story box with the rare side profile image seen in many JRPGs. The fighting in it feels more like a 'Dynasty Warriors' or 'Dead Rising'-style beat-em-up with the added fun of you're breaking other folks' toys and taking their parts for your own. The best part (for me) is the building mechanic. You make your own toy from the parts you claimed from your enemies with a fairly neat painting and mod system.
Or... you play Gunpla Frankenstein and build a monster that eats other folks' Gunpla and spits out parts. = )
Bonus: I bought a HG Gundam AGE-II Magnum kit to build, too. Since I missed out on the bundle that had the game and a special version of that kit, I figured I'd make my own "Extra Special Edition" bundle. = P
On Pokemon:
Pokemon Go now has trading to go along with their recent releasing of the Alolan forms of the Kanto critters. I'll pop up my Friend ID number once I get the following things settled.
On Production:
It's been a month since the last post.
One. Month.
I went on a short vacation. I suffered from some annoying allergies when I got back. I should've been back at this a week or two ago but... yeah. I wasn't diggin' anything I was drawing. I was enjoying getting some non-Biff writing done but the strip was delayed (At the last strip in this story bit, no less!). I'm feeling a bit better now.
Why I was in a funk in the first place? I have no clue. All I know is it worked out in the end as I like this version of the strip better than what was on the table before I flew out to see family. I also got some story stuff down on paper and a little extra smallish pic out of the way so it wasn't a total loss. It just lasted far longer than I like when I'm in the middle of a story bit.
The plan now? I'm going to build this HG kit, look through what I have written and see what all I have that'll work next.
'Till next time! = )