Latest Strip: "My Head I'd be Scratchin'" - Sunday, November 24, 2019
- Latest Strip: "My Head I'd be Scratchin'" -
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Fill your Cravings at... | |
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A Circus of Values! = D
Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday/Unfortunate Start to a Weekend of Shopping. While I wanted to make this post yesterday before everyone in the US was probably loaded up on food, I couldn't find the extras I was looking for. Only one of the shops I have stuff at even bothered to mention a solid sale that wasn't a 24hr code of some sort. That said, here's a rundown of places where you can find excellent deals on physical and digital merch from me (and others)!
Digital Goodness: - DriveThru Comics Thanksgiving Weekend Sale: DriveThru comes through with 33% off select digital titles. You can snag the Biff Books at the fantastic price of $1.34 a pop! The same sale is going on at their other sites like DriveThru Cards, DriveThru Fiction and DriveThru RPG. Drop by and show them some love!
- Gumroad: This one isn't a sale so much as I just posted the latest Drawlloween book - Drawlloween 2019 - Gaming Edition - over on my Gumroad shop. It's a Pay-What-You-Want style purchase starting at a dollar. 34 pages of goodness with all the extras I normally toss in 'cause I can. = )
Physical Goodness: - HoA Presents! @ Redbubble: Although they keep sending out emails with brand new 24hr codes every day, RB does seem to have general discount codes running for this weekend. You'll just have to check the site as the days go through for what it.
I wish I could be more specific than that but... Yeah!
They do have some Excellent shirts and stickers and you can get A Bunch of my current designs there. I'm personally going to take advantage of their discounts to scoop a Dame Grape Goyle shirt. = )
- The Biff Shop @ Zazzle: You can still get the bulk of the Biff-related stuff I sell through my Zazzle shop. I Was going to start moving thing over to RB but seriously... they have some Fantastic gear at Zazzle and I Will be adding to it over time (probably over the weekend, too). I recommend the Batty Biff mug. Those things can survive me and I am not kind on my glassware.
- The HoA Shop @ Zazzle: The Rest of my stuff over on Zazzle. Not sure what I'd recommend as it's a bit of older work but I do know I still need a 'Science: Try It!' shirt. I know some folks who scooped them a while ago and they came out Really nice. Not sure if they still have them as they were bought for kids who most likely grew out of them by now. = P
- -- - -- ~ -- - -- -
And that's the lowdown for me. I'm going to get back to work on a not-so-secret project (Hint: I built the crew in the Sims 4 and now I'm making them stuff to wear) and recover from the Foodening from earlier.
To those who celebrate... Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Be it a quiet dinner on your own, food with friends and/or family or simply thinking about those who can't be or are not with us this year. Take a minute to breathe during this hectic time during an Even More hectic point in recent history. If you can... let this Turkey Day be a break.
And remember... be kind to the folks working retail tonight. Sales started early and you do not want to face Biff and his Pieless Wrath. o.O
*Poof* |
Thursday, November 28, 2019 - 8:45 PM |
Ha HA! I'm Free! = D | |
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I'm Finally Free! = D
All the Drawlloween pics are drawn and posted at my various archives and you can find the full playlist of timelapse videos here. -> [Playlist LinkTastic!]
This doesn't mean I'm completely done with everything just yet. I still have to stitch together the book. I'll have that posted and ready to go for Wednesday... Hopefully. o.o
As for the whole US-based Holiday and Black Friday stuff going on this week, I don't have anything to share just yet. Like most folks, I'm waiting on the announcements of discounts and deals and coupon codes I can pass along to folks. I'll do a new news post when I've got something (and when this year's Drawlloween book is for sale). For now... it's kind of a "Wait and See" game. Thankfully, all the stuff I sell is either Print on Demand or straight up Digital Books so at least no one has to worry about me running out of stock.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, November 24, 2019 - 12:09 AM |
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