Latest Strip: "If I Only Had a Brain" - Wednesday, December 11, 2019
- Latest Strip: "If I Only Had a Brain" -
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Vacation Time! = D | |
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OR: I need a break to catch up on non-Biff stuff that needs doing.
A quick rundown: - I'm partially finished with the next strip. It was meant to go up today but life finds a way to slow things down. - My back is acting funny. Not "Funny - Ha Ha" but "Funny - Why does that hurt?". Sitting for long periods to draw is a no go for a little bit. - I was planning to take a break around this time anyhow seeing as it's somehow the week before Christmas and no one told me.
So what does this all mean? Well... the strip is on hold for the Holidays. Unless my body has other plans, I'm going to try for having new story strips up for sometime after Three Kings Day (Jan 6th) at the latest with some kind of Holiday themed Off-Sides going up in-between now and then.
If you're a Patron of mine, you'll still get to see any strips I'm working on after I finish the pencils and get the finished versions a few days early once I start posting proper story stuff again.
This also means I get to work on some other pics. Like my annual Holiday Tag which has been on the table since around Saturday waiting on me to finish it so I can add that last touch to my gifts. You can see the progress on that as of this posting here. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
For now, I'm going to stretch and remind myself that lifting with one's legs isn't a sometimes thing to remember maybe but a "Do This Always or You Will Hurt" thing so I can continue pretending I'm not broken. = P
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 6:36 PM |
It Came In! = D | |
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I got my 'Dame Grape Goyle' shirt and it looks friggin' amazing! = )
You can see it here. -> [Shirt LinkTastic!]
It's a proper screen print, too. They tend to take a beating better than most tees I've owned. The last shirt I got from RB - a 'Silver Bullet Industries' shirt - wasn't. Although I'm Pretty sure it would've lasted longer, the white part of the graphic seemed like it was sitting on top of the shirt more than embedded in it and kinda' rubbed off over time. It's a night shirt so it's going up against my tossing and turning and being tangled in bed sheets. Think a month of wear over the course of a week's worth of sleeping.
This one doesn't have to worry 'cause I got it as a normal shirt. The worst it has to worry about is my amazing luck with somehow getting pizza or pasta sauce drops on it despite being extra careful. I swear I'm not trying to do it. Anything clean is I wear is just a magnet for the stuff. -.-
If you're wondering why the strip didn't post Sunday well... you see that fridge? I forgot to draw stuff in there. And I messed up on Vida's sleeves. And I hit a point where, if I did post it after I finished it Sunday Night/Monday Morning, this entire post would be nothing but angry things with a side of "Oh! I got some more Sims 4 stuff done!" and no one really wants that.
The angry writing part.
I Hope folks would want the other stuff. That will be coming out soon. Hopefully for Christmas or New Year's.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 12:18 AM |
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