Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #49: Turnaround" - Sunday, October 18, 2020
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #49: Turnaround" -
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Every Now & Then... | |
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I get a little bit tired of not producing Biff Stuff...
. .. ...
Alrighty! That's enough of that. = D
Here's the deal: I Finally made two things I've been meaning to do for years. The first one is a Turnaround sheet for Biff so folks have a vague idea of how to draw him.
It's something I've had on my To-Do list for a number of years that I always backburner'd because I don't personally need it. I have ready access to everything one could ever ask for when drawing Biff (and the rest of the crew) so it was never a priority. During this off time, it hit me that Maybe other folks might want something like this instead of a handful of random pics and me pointing to the Crypt going "Look in there".
Here's a link to a 300dpi PNG folks can use. I'll update his cast page with an easier to find link later: [Art LinkTastic!]
The second is a full-on Biff Cosplay guide.
I got the idea from the Venture Bros. staff years ago when they released one for a number of characters from the show. It's a collection of things that folks can readily buy if they wanted a very basic Biff look. In fact, most of this is stuff folks might have seen me in when I still tabled at cons. Note: This is straight up items Biff wears. I didn't add costume bat wings, contacts or fake pointed ears as I'll leave that as Cosplayer's Choice (read: I never had them so I didn't add them).
Here's a link to That 300dpi PNG. Like the previous pic, I'll add this onto Biff's cast page with a proper link later: [Guide LinkTastic!]
That's about it for now. I've got Drawlloween stuff, some SD Gundam kits and the next strip to finish. As for the strip... I'm going to build a slight buffer - like two done with a third started - before I'll pop anything up live. I have plenty of scripts for it and it Should even out the post schedule again once those start appearing.
Remember: Stay Strong. Stay Safe. Vote.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, October 18, 2020 - 1:43 AM |
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