Latest Strip: "Memento Mori Pt3" - Sunday, April 18, 2021
- Latest Strip: "Memento Mori Pt3" -
Sunday, April 18, 2021
New HTTP - Now with more S! | |
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A while ago, I took advantage of the SSL certificate that my web host provides me. What's that mean? Well... it basically means that my sites are - to the extent of stuff being served by me - considered secure. I even went through and did what I Thought was the right thing by editing my HTAccess file with the necessary snippet of code to kinda' sorta' alert browsers that my sites - when accessed by "HTTPS" - can have the fancy lock or the version for when there are a few unsecured elements but most things are alright.
At least, I Thought I did this. o.O
If you read the comic through Comic Rocket - an Excellent service that lets you do stuff like bookmark the last entry of a comic you're reading without either of us dealing with mildly sketchy 3rd party code - you might have noticed that it wasn't showing up. A bunch of us comics weren't.
Now... I'm not deep on the details but I believe it has something to do with browsers doing a switchover and kinda' forcing all of us website folks to really go through and flip over to the more secure protocol. I figured I was in the clear already. I had a valid cert, I did the code stuff. I was set, right? Well... there's a reason I list myself as a Codemonkey. -.-
Turns out I did, in fact, add the right snippet of code to the HTAccess file for my main site. Where I messed up was I added the code for This site to the Main's file. Not the file for here. So it didn't work like it was supposed to. I fixed that now.
I also went into the Publisher's side of Comic Rocket and made sure the results through there are going through the HTTPS link. It should be working fine now.
This also let me actually upload the revision of the homepage that has a non-Flash based Moon Phase Clock so all you creatures of the night can keep tabs on that again. = )
Anyhoo! I've got some stuff to finish and some stuff to prep for. This strip marks that last part of this current Story Bit with a caveat...
Despite everything that has happened throughout the release of this "short" aside away from Biff and the Crew, I do want to do more stories about the other creatures in this world of mine. Stuff that, like this one, don't have ties to our every growing cadre of reoccurring critters.
It might be a while before I do another one but know that I'd Love to do another one. I have plenty of ideas and whole books of other monster-type folks to pull from. And I assure you, not all of them are as... heavy... in content as this one was.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, April 18, 2021 - 12:06 AM |
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