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A Writing Story |
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About this little bit of story arc that's been going on. See, I'm trying to work more story (and possibly another strip a week) into the comic. Mostly because writing goofy comedy is fun but also because I never really fleshed out a character this far before. I left most of that for the Bios page and really wanted to try my hand at showing a history instead of just telling it.
So here I am. I'm stuck in the middle of a story arc. Not "Stuck" as in "This is Bad and you should Feel Bad!" but more to the "Crap! Ideas... incoherent jokes... poop!" side of things. Because of this, I may be a little late on Sunday's strip because of this. Hopefully, I'll get past this little hiccup and get back to the jokes and laughs and the endless cycle of vampire torment that has been and (hopefully) always will be Biff the Vampire. = )
Saturday, March 7, 2009 - 4:18 AM |
Con Stuff |
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I kinda' got caught up in coming up with stuff to sell at the con. That said, there is a bit of a delay in the comic.
I'm trying to keep some of this stuff on the down-low, only really showing off what I'm doing through the odd UStream every now and again, but what I can tell you is this - whatever products I come up with to sell at ConnectiCon, I will give you folks a chance to scoop it online as well. I still need to figure out the finer aspects of it but I'll see what I can do for the net-based folks. You'll get your fill of HoA goodness (with some Biff-styled fun tossed in, too) soon enough.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned! = D
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 - 9:26 PM |
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