Latest Strip: "Holiday Spirit Pt3" - Sunday, January 16, 2022
- Latest Strip: "Holiday Spirit Pt3" -
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Book Making A-Go-Go! | |
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And that's the end of this current story bit and the start of my little Adventure into Biff History.
At the time of writing this, I'm some eight strips into my rescans and fixes for Biff Vol.6. The book will cover Biff strips No.265 - Gooey Call - straight on through 'till strip No.316 - Fiery-Headed Woman Pt2. That's October 2013 to October 2014 or comics from nearly a decade ago.
Folks... I'm doing my best to not be too hard on Past Me for my mistakes. I was cutting corners that I shouldn't have cut to make two posts a week. A lot of them were done without a net so-to-speak. Not much time to build a buffer when you're fastest speed is "Two or So Strips a Week If You're Lucky". A lot of exceptionally early mornings rushing to add text to strips and not really doing my due diligence on cleaning up the scans.
I was working quickly but not very smart.
Now I'm going through my old strip book and the working files themselves. I'm getting to attack these with nearly 10 years more experience, a better workflow and a system built to handle loads I just couldn't do if I wanted to stick to my old deadlines. It's interesting going through these after so much time as I don't honestly remember them that well.
I mean... I know them. I drew and wrote them. It's not like these story bits are completely alien to me. I'm just in that weird semi-nostalgic state where I both know and don't know the work that's in front of me.
I know I could do better at that time but I also know that I sacrificed a certain level of "Good" to get a certain level of "Quick" and a payoff that never really happened.
I'm also realizing my inks were WAY Cleaner than I had expected them to be and better than they are currently. Not sure if that speaks to my tools or my over-caffeinated state of being back then. I do know I'd like to work on getting that aspect back... assuming it doesn't destroy me. o.O
Anyhoo! That's where I'll be for a while. I'm taking a break from posting comics so I can get something I wanted to get done last year done now. Not sure how long it'll be but my priority is to get these all finished and a new book made before February 27th - Biff's 16th Anniversary. I will be checking in here with updates on my progress and maybe showing off some other things I'll be working on in the meantime.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on that.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, January 16, 2022 - 12:01 AM |
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