Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #52: Fred & Amy" - Monday, February 14, 2022
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #52: Fred & Amy" -
Monday, February 14, 2022
Hot Ko-Fi Mod | |
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A funny thing happened recently. Not "Funny Ha Ha" but "Funny... I didn't think this would happen". -.-
If you've been on Social Media recently, you might have heard about Gumroad, their CEO and the dust up over a number of things (including the dread "NFT"). Well... I watched it go down.
It wasn't pretty.
For the Record: I've never been keen on crypto nor the current tech bro driven bubble involving pumping out absurd amounts of algorithmically generated artwork of questionable quality tied to overly hyped digital receipts and flaky coins. It's just not my thing. If it's yours, more power to you. Stay safe out there and keep an eye on things. This whole situation feels a bit too familiar and not in a good way.
That said, that's not what caught my eye about this Gumroad kerfuffle. It was the CEO's use of the company account during this event and some of the actions taken that make me feel that something more is up over there. I also feel that, going forward, Gumroad isn't a good place to sell my work.
I'm still keeping an eye on this whole situation to see what the fallout is going to look like but I'm not putting the next Biff book up for sale through them. As for the existing Biff books and my Pay-What-You-Want art books, I will keep them up through April 20th so folks can grab copies before I take them offline over there. This gives folks ample time to do what they need to do and allows me some time to see what all is going to happen with them. Although I doubt my plans will change as that public breakdown really soured me on their services.
One of my goals for this year was to find new places to sell my stuff. Figured I'd be all "Check out my work at [New Place], too!" while keeping my existing lineup of shops. Didn't think my hand would be forced to do so this soon or at the probable cost of a shop that I did exceptionally well through.
On the Plus Side...
I finally set up a shop over at Ko-Fi! I only ever used that account to show a little monetary love to folks but their Shop feature caught my eye. It wasn't until this whole... Situation... that I seriously checked it out. It has a Pay-What-You-Want feature so all the existing art books have been moved over there. I'll have the updated links for them up here soon. For now, feel free to scope it out at the following link and maybe follow me over there if you're interested in knowing when the Biff Books finally go live later in the month.
You can check that Ko-Fi Shop here: [Store LinkTastic!]
I'm also currently looking into setting up an shop. Again, it's a situation where I've only ever bought games from there. Recently, I bought a couple of books and liked the experience. Unlike Ko-Fi, setting up shop there is going to be a Bit of a process so maybe expect news about that in future sometime perhaps? o.O
Anyhoo! Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day to those who celebrate it. Happy Monday to those who don't. I'm going to load this strip to various places and grab some chocolates before getting back to work finalizing Biff Vol.6.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on that.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Monday, February 14, 2022 - 4:30 PM |
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