Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #53: SCIENCE!!" - Sunday, February 27, 2022
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #53: SCIENCE!!" -
Sunday, February 27, 2022
And We're Live! | |
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As with everything I do, I spent far too long making sure things were correct and ready to go... only to have to run fixes at the last moment. = P
Anyhoo! 'Biff Vol.6: The Science of Things' is officially available for purchase. You can buy it wherever collections of silly vampire comics are sold: - Directly from me [Here]. - From the House of Amill page over at DriveThru Comics [Here]. - From my spot over at Lulu [Here] - And from my Brand New Ko-Fi shop [Here].
Where you Can't find this book at this time around is Gumroad. I'm winding down selling products there. If you've bought books from me through GR, now's the time to download them and make sure they're safe. I'll be closing that shop on my birthday - April 20th - so you have some time. I'll keep folks up-to-date on the situation, too, so it won't be too terribly sudden.
The other place you won't find the books are on comiXology... for now.
Assuming whatever Amazon does next is still called "comiXology" once they get things all sorted out. With their CXSubmit service gone, I have to go through their atrocious Kindle program to publish my stuff. This means things will take a while to return. But they Will return...
It's just gonna' be a while. o.o
Now I'm off to grab some ice cream and try to un-pretzel my poor back. = P
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on that.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, February 27, 2022 - 12:58 AM |
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