Latest Strip: "Cryptid Unmasked" - Sunday, July 24, 2022
- Latest Strip: "Cryptid Unmasked" -
Sunday, July 24, 2022
It's Hot... -.- | |
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I'd love to be all "This totally awesome fun stuff happened this week!" but really... things were kinda' put on hold 'cause of the weather.
The room has been on the humid side of things so I've been reluctant to work on the strip. While finishing up this one, I somehow managed to snap the tip of my .005 Micron pen off. Not bent in a disturbing way like the last time this happened but it was sheared clean off. The tip caught some loose paper fibers and decided it didn't want to be attached to the pen anymore.
How I managed to not blast my page with the remaining ink from that relatively fresh pen is beyond me. o.o
I do have some good news, though! I decided to pick at an older digital sketch from 2018. It was a fresh sketch on my (at the time) newly rebuilt Lifebook T4220 while waiting on a flight to go see my nephew's graduation. Like all "New" pics I've done on my tablets and Tablet PC Thingies, it was a Moogle.
Here's the old blue sketch with the most recent of fresh lines on it. I have no intention to burn through this. I simply want to enjoy the ride... and dial in my settings. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
I'm off to grab a late night shower to cool off and feel less... funky. For everyone else... Don't Forget to Hydrate! Hot weather will Mess You Up Quick and water is a good way to keep you cool. I've got like a water bottle in my room for while I work and one in the fridge for when I want something cold. Try to avoid the sodas/sugary drinks if you can as they can help dehydrate you.
And avoid sports drinks unless you actually need them. They're great for when you're sweating like a toasted cheezer but not so much when you're just hot and thirsty. It's very much a time and place dealie despite what the ad folks say. = )
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, July 24, 2022 - 12:00 AM |
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