Latest Strip: "Friend or Foe" - Sunday, July 31, 2022
- Latest Strip: "Friend or Foe" -
Sunday, July 31, 2022
New Strips... Soon?! o.O | |
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Ha HA! I was going to update this earlier in the month but I forgot. -.-
Anyhoo! Here's a short rundown on how things are going so far... - Two strips are done and dusted. They are currently set to post at the various places I tend to post (and don't mind setting up weeks in advance). I'm not Quite sure about one of them and may change a background tone on it before Wednesday's Patreon update but that's still up in the air. - That's it. o.o
Yeah... something in me thought I'd be farther along on these. In my defense, I would be if I was doing a regular story bit with characters I've drawn for years. This is So not the case right now. New characters, new location, stuff I don't normally do all the time...
This should be a fun couple of strips. I know I'm enjoying them. = )
One thing I wasn't enjoying has been the humidity. This month has Absolutely sucked for getting work done. As I've mentioned previously, my house is kinda' old and has a terrible power system. This means high energy devices like air conditioners and dehumidifiers are out of the question unless I feel like getting my steps in trooping from my 2nd floor bedroom outside to my basement to hunt for the fuse box and hoping that I remembered to turn the device off before all this at like 4am. A process that's as bad and annoying as that last sentence was to read (and write!). Needless to say, that also kinda' put a hit on my speed.
Thankfully, things are nicer and cooler as of late. Work is... going... but mostly because of the whole "Trying New Things" dealie.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
See you this Wednesday/Sunday! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 1:46 AM |
Break Incoming! >.< | |
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Yeah... I dislike doing this but it's something that needs doing.
This comic was finished just hours before it was posted. Normally, I get things done at least a week in advance. Patrons get to see it early, I get to set things up to post later and things can run fairly smooth (even when I'm not on the ball with what to write for these newsposts). The past few days have been... wet. More so than I like when it comes to working.
At times like these, the paper I draw the comic on gets kinda' puffy and prone to having fibers lift when I'm inking when it hits a certain humidity. Makes working slow to a crawl while I figure out when the driest times to work are. Not exactly the best for working against a deadline. -.-
Add to this the next story bit needing extras like stuff for new locations, a couple of brand new characters and some other non-Biff stuff that'll take some time... it just makes sense to hold off on posting for a bit while I get things done.
How long? Well... I'm going to take August off from posting strips to get things done. This doesn't mean complete radio silence from me, though. I'll continue my undying need to share stuff like the pencils for the strip over on my Patreon. I'll also drop an update or two here as things progress.
For the folks wondering why I don't just run an air conditioner or a dehumidifier: Short answer is I can't. Longer answer is I Do have an air conditioner that I've used in the past but the wiring situation in the place I'm at is very old and very stressed. Adding an air conditioner has and will pop the fuse. As much as I'd like to get some steps in, it's not so fun running down two flights of stairs to my basement every hour or so - often in the middle of the night - to reset things in the fuse box. I say this 'cause I've tried it in the past and it always ends with me either barely using it or simply unplugging it and putting it away (as is the case right now).
I'm off to set up the first strip of the next story bit and maybe grab some ice cream. And stretch. And maybe take a quick late night shower 'cause I can feel the humidity rising and I'm not really down for dealing with it.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, July 31, 2022 - 12:01 AM |
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