Coming up for air after spending the last two nights grinding for parts in Gundam Breaker 4. = )
Yesterday was a bit of a day. No sleep, early appointment for the Covid booster I was to supposed to get had I not gotten the ol' Human Malware at the start of the month, even less sleep as the nap I tried to take after everything didn't take... Just not a fun day.
So I spent my night (and much of this one) goofing off in GB4. It's very much scratching that itch that normally leaves me buried in random plastic parts and I love it.
Tonight, I found myself grinding out parts to scratch build... er, "Derivation Synthesis" up some fun bits for kits I rightfully shouldn't have this early in the game. Turns out they don't really lock away the super special Spoiler suits before they're supposed to drop. They just made one of the easiest ways to get at them a very confusing mashup of words so folks that aren't especially curious as to what that button does would never find it.
Needless to say, I've been doing my best to make some goofy suits as this weekend is Kinda' a wash as far as other work goes. Later today (09.29.24), I have to be up for an event at 9am! One I really don't want to bail on as it's probably one of the last outdoor events of season. Not exactly sure if I'll be down or functional enough for other work afterward but I Might just fumble my way deeper into GB4's Story Mode live on Twitch again. I gotta' fix the announcement over their anyhow.
Seems the little site-based announcement doesn't change along with the title when streaming from the PS4. That means folks have been getting messages from the last time I was doing artwork instead of a warning telling them to avoid my Gaming stream. Not exactly cool to hit up a stream thinking it's a chill draw session only to hear me blabber about Gundam stuff like I'm the 2nd Coming of Build Fighter's Sei. o.o
As for said "Other Work"...
- I did the Logos! You can see them on the Patreon. Like always, Patrons got them a couple of days early before they went Public. You got a 70's audio tech feel in the 'Lycan Electronics' logo and an X-TREEM 90's feel in the "sketch" for the 'BeWERE! Instant Costumes' logo. By "Sketch", I mean I was just playing around digitally from the start so it's effectively end product polish on something that I want to way more to - a full ad - instead of my usual pencil sketches.
- I came up with a new Halloween Icon Pic Thingie! This month has been Kinda' Awful and it ended up coming out on the paper as I was drawing up something new for Halloween. My usual werebunny is looking down while nibbling on a mechanical pencil (Like I do from time to time). I liked that little sketch more than the bigger image I was failing to draw so slapped some digital blue lines on it in SketchBook and, again, posted it up to Patreon. This one is just out there for everyone (I think).
That's all for now. I need to stretch and see if I can get the jump on that little icon thingie. I want to clean things up a bit more in Illustrator before I attempt sleep. Tomorrow should be fun. Tiring but fun.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )