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Back into the swing of things! |
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ConnectiCon was fun but, like all things, it's time for me to get back to work and get crackin' on a very much delayed strip.
Don't know why or how but the cons I have a table at always wipe me out far more than the ones where I'm darting around. Then again, it's after those cons I usually have a ton of cool ideas. Fair trade off in my book. = )
I'll have a new strip up soon and a full convention report underneath it.
'Till next time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 - 4:43 PM |
The Things I Do for Art |
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Like this week's strip says, I spent my time pounding out the finishing touches on my not-so-little art book so it would be done, printed and finished long before ConnectiCon. Having been caught printing last minute more times than I care to remember (or what I can remember, anyway), I actually got tripped up on my deadlines. It worked out to my advantage as I ended up making more content than I needed and got a more interesting product out of it.
What's in this book that you see cropped before you? Well, it's a 36 page book with a color cover and black and white interior. It comes fully equipped with sections of both traditional and digital work plus I dropped the four page starter for Modern-Day Metamorphosis and my pencils from last year's 24hr Comic attempt. Not to be outdone by those with higher production value, I even put in a full color pull-out poster. How's that grab ya'? O.o
Needless to say, this is a hefty bit of book and it was a blast to put it together. I haven't done something like this in years and - from an artistic standpoint, at least - it shows how far I've come. If you plan on stopping by the con, drop by Table 17 in Artist Alley and say 'Hi!'. Who knows... you may get a free button out of it. = )
'Till next time!
Saturday, July 18, 2009 - 12:50 AM |
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