Latest Strip: "Playing Dress-Up" - Thursday, August 6, 2009
- Latest Strip: "Playing Dress-Up" -
Thursday, August 6, 2009
ConnectiCon 2009 - Wrap-Up | |
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Even though this is the hometown convention for me, this wrap-up will be brief. It isn't because things were slow or anything. I pretty much tied myself to the table the whole convention. = )
My friend and I showed up at the convention center Thursday to scoop up our badges and check out our table in Artist Alley. The line was long but it was oddly filled with CosPlayers. Not folks wearing clothes that just happened to look like they were in costume but folks straight up dressed like anime characters. It was actually kinda' funny, really.
Friday, we got in late but got set up nonetheless. My phone took the opportunity to not charge up when I needed it to that morning so I was a little frazzled from that but the folks in the Alley made it a lot better. Our table was between Misfile and the guys from Kitsune Kiki. They made the con a little brighter considering how deep in we all were. It still holds true - make friends with the folks around you. They may just save your sanity!
Saturday saw my friend and I arriving late once more. It was a pretty typical Saturday crowd, with passersby stopping to check out the product we were selling every now and again. Oddly enough, a guy dropped by my table. With the roar of the Alley, I couldn't make out his name but one thing was clear - He was a fan of the strip! Yeah, it may seem kinda' geeky but I don't normally meet folks outside my family/friends that read my comic. This was the first time I not only met someone who reads but asked for an autograph. I was (and still am) groovin' on that moment. = )
Saturday night and Sunday were slow but it gave me a minute to chat up the surrounding folks. I chatted comics with (and grabbed a button from) the gals who do The Paul Reveres. I dropped by the White Rose table and got to talk comics even more. I even met Smith and Hepting of Slackerz. In fact, I think I surprised Smith with exactly how long I've been reading the strip for. For those curious: It's been a Very long time.
Two things of note happened: I got the chance to drop by Dealer's Room and see Brad Guigar of Evil Inc. Not only did he remember me (which I wasn't expecting) but I also got to drop off the card for my strip to him. If I say I'm going to do something, understand I'll do all in my power to get it done. The second thing was the Tax Folks dropped by for a visit. You'll here more on that one later. Right now, it's time for the Break Down!
The Break Down Days Spent: 3 Cash Spent: None... because I spent my last spare $20 on food. Stuff Sold/Passed Out: 4 books, 3 magnets and a couple of buttons Webcomic/Comic Book Folks Met: Matt and Ian (Three Panel Soul), the crew from Least I Could Do/Looking for Group, Garth of Finder's Keepers, Atomic Robo's Clevinger and Wegener, and artist Jeff Wamester.
A special shout-out goes to the crew at Angry Viking Press. I got the opportunity to talk with the top guy there. It was cool to chat with someone who is knee deep in the independent publishing business as well as getting the chance to get the order numbers for some their titles. Seriously, if you're looking for some awesome titles with great talent you should ask your comic shop to carry Angry Viking Press!
That's it for now. I needs me some quality time with some Ragnarok Online. = )
*Poof* |
Thursday, August 6, 2009 - 9:52 PM |
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