Latest Strip: "The Line Ride" - Monday, August 10, 2009
- Latest Strip: "The Line Ride" -
Monday, August 10, 2009
Comics a-Plenty! | |
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Indeed. = )
Being the comic guy I am, I feel the need every now and then to talk up the books I read. This time, it's a little different. I'm taking a moment to talk about the comics I want/have on preorder from a couple of indie publishers you may or may not have heard about.
First up to bat is a book out of Archaia called The God Machine by Chandra Free. It's an awesome book that needs to be seen to be understood. She does great stuff and I've been waiting for this one for a bit. I actually have to swing by my shop later this week and make sure they grab this one for me. = )
The God Machine; "Preview" [includes first full chapter, and bonus art work/bio pages] 48 pages $3.95 Previews Code: AUG090638 Publisher: Archaia Coming: October Mature Audiences
Next up is a bit of a push for the folks over at Angry Viking Press. Here's the thing: to grab yourself some AVP titles at your local shop, they need to get themselves a copy of Haven Distro and Enemi Entertainment's COMICS! catalog. I did a quick look through while at ConnectiCon and they have an outstanding selection of indies. Lots of good stuff. Once your shop grabs that, you can grab yourself some of these awesome titles:
Andorozon #2 - ANDOAVP002 Coco Gun-Bun #2 - COCOAVP002 Crushed: The Doomed Kitty Adventures #1 - CRUSAVP001 The Demon Mages #2 - DEMMAVP002 Extinctioners #16 - EXECAVP016 Speed Demonz #1 - SPEDAVP001
Now go out and get some comics! = D
*Poof* |
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 - 12:41 AM |
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