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No Mid-Week strip this week |
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I needed to get my head straight so I'm going to skip my second strip this week and hold it for Sunday. I'm still knee deep in other projects but I'm going to attempt to build p a bit of a buffer (a week at the most).
Never like to do this when things are about to get interesting but I have honestly been feeling kinda' "Meh" lately. That's usually a good sign for me to switch gears and do a little bit of non-Biff related work. One thing I know still holds true: You have to really feel it if you want your work to shine and I'm just not feelin' it right now.
'Till next week when I should (hopefully) be out of this strange and sudden funk!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - 4:38 AM |
Another Day of Roughs |
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This is turning into a very bad habit. Partly gaming related, partly a supply issue. My .005 pen's tip split. It shows a little on the last strip but it's much worse and more unpredictable now. Kinda' wish it would have happened yesterday when I could restock but that's life, right? = )
I'll drop by the art store tomorrow before I hit up the Shop for the day. I currently have my 360 occupied playing the Gummi Bears so I don't spend the night playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. I'll get whatever inks I need to get done out of the way before I get to bed tonight.
'Till next time!
Monday, September 28, 2009 - 2:05 AM |
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