Latest Strip: "Maverick" - Sunday, October 4, 2009
- Latest Strip: "Maverick" -
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Whatcha' Readin' - v1 | |
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Hopefully, the guys won't kill me for stealing the title but it makes sense, I swear!
I dropped by one of my local stops to grabs some comics to snag some more of the Blackest Night series when I noticed a couple of titles that caught my eye. Thankfully, my $20 was well spent.
First up - Beasts of Burden #1 by Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson.
Simply put, a damn good book. The artwork is outstanding, the story was cool. Bonus: Not a single person in the book. That's right - It's about a crew of dogs (and a few cats) who run into some supernatural troubles. You can even check out a few previous stories online - [LinkTastic!]
I don't want to spoil a thing, I'm just going to ask that you pick up a copy and check it out.
Next up - FOB Presents: Fall Out Toy Works #1 by Pete Wentz, Darren Romanelli, Nathan Cabrera, Brett Lewis and Sam Basri.
Besides the long list of names, you might recognize something... Pete Wentz is one of the founding members of the band Fall Out Boy. The book itself was inspired by the lyrics of their song "Tiffany Blews". That said, the book is cool.
The book is really well drawn. The visuals are interesting and reminds me of the work/styles that used to come out of the ol' Dreamwave label. The first issue has me curious as to where they are going with the story (in a good way).
The basic run-down is it's about a toymaker who is hired by a powerful business owner to make a more lifelike robot girl. It feels like a first chapter and leaves enough hanging to hook me into picking up the next issue. Give it a read, see if you like it.
Last up is Elelphantmen War Toys: Yvette #0 by Richard Starkings and Moritat.
This one is a bit harder for me to write about not because the book is confusing but because I have a bit of history with this title. I used to read Hip Flask on the Comicraft website. Check it out for the full details.
As for the book in question, it seems to fall between the Unnatural Selection story and the Hip Flask stories I got to read some time ago. It focuses on a girl named Yvette as she survives in a war torn post-plague France. It's a short tale and made me curious enough about the series to pick up more. The problem with the Elephantmen (and Hip Flask) books is I rarely see them in stores. If you find an issue or two, I highly recommend you pick it up a read for a while. The writing is great and the art is amazing.
The medicine I'm taking to beat back a cold I caught sometime over the weekend are taking hold so... I'll see you folks on Wednesday (hopefully!). 'Till next time!
*Poof* |
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 2:57 AM |
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