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Vida smiles and shrugs. "Sweet!", she says, "I Love free stuff!"


† Extras and Whatnot †

Fun Stuff Ahead

  Ever wanted a Kikka's Coffee wallpaper for your desktop or laptop? Maybe a helpful printable guide for your new life as a Wercritter? Maybe you just want to check out the rare comic art stream or to see how others draw Biff and the crew?

Well, this is the place for you! = D

  Here, you'll find a litany of downloads (from Wallpapers to Game Mods) alongside an easy place to watch my Twitch livestreams and videos from my YouTube channel. Lastly, you'll find a small gallery of artwork from folks other than myself. It's rare but I Do actually get artwork of Biff every so often. I've also added a spot for anyone who's maybe made some fanart of folks in the comic.

  If you've actually drawn Fanart of Biff and the Crew, drop me an email! I'd love to see it. If you're cool with me popping it into a gallery here, I'll see about making that happen, too. = )


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