As with many a website of old, here is a lovely list of links to parts elsewhere on the 'Net: Other Webcomics, Resources and Various Sites of Interest.
This is a personally curated collection of places I like and comics I currently read or have read in the past. Despite my own comic being a "Monster Comic", not every entry here is but all of them are interesting to me.
I try to keep this place in good working order BUT! If you find a broken link, please contact me at the following email address and I'll get to it ASAP. ->
Note: Not all comics are "Safe for Work." Please, use your best judgement.
Link Banners
Want to link back to me? Want something more interesting than your basic text link? Use these and go nuts. Just remember to "Save as..." first!
Large Banner - 468px by 60px

Half Banner - 234px by 60px

Buttons - 117px by 30px
Groups/Collections/Graphic Novel-Styled Strips
Unlike the strip style comics, these are more like your classic floppy comics or manga in format. These full paged books lend themselves more towards the longer story than the quick entry.
Items o' Interest
These are the sites I think work well with the comic. Wiki-entries, comic resources, other artists' sites...
These are my picks for interesting links.
Webcomic Publishing Sites
- Comic Genesis - The Duck Webcomics - KeenSpot - Tapas - Webtoon -
Comic Book/Webcomic Resources
BlamBot: Excellent fonts for all your typing needs
comiXology: Despite it's acquisition and subsequent nerfing by Amazon, comiXology is still a solid place for digital comics.
DriveThru Comics: One of (if not The) first online comic shops, Drive Thru Comics has a solid selection of both indie and mainstream digital comics. Plus, you can find all the Biff books over there. = )
Comic Rocket: Comic Rocket is a great resource for finding and following webcomics online. They even have an app to allow you to keep up on your favorite comics on the go. Kurtz said it best: "We want to be a virtual water-cooler for anyone making an entrepreneurial effort with their artwork." The site has an open submission policy and welcomes stories/articles/how-tos... anything that can help make folks better artists or entrepreneurs.
ComicLab: From two of the hosts that brought you such podcasts as the 'Blank Label Comics Podcast' and 'Webcomics Weekly' comes... The same thing, really. It's Brad Guigar (Creator of "Evil Inc.") and Dave Kellett (Creator of "Sheldon" and "Drive") talking about a number of comic and webcomic related subjects. Every so often, they'll even bring on a guest to discuss stuff. Well worth a listen.
ConnectiCon: A massive convention in Hartford, CT covering all the essentials - Anime, Games and Comics.
WizardWorld: Originally run by the folks of Wizard Entertainment (Wizard Mag, ToyFare). They hold mid- to large conventions all across the country.
Miscelleneous Cool Stuff
The Supernatural Section @ How stuff works: Many a crazy article on various supernatural subjects including How Vampires Work by Tom Harris.
The SciFi/Horror Section @ Public Domain horror and sci fi movies. They have everything from Romero's legendary Night of the Living Dead to The Brain that Wouldn't Die and the classic Vincent Price version of House of Haunted Hill and many more from the Internet Archive.
The Ephemera Section @ Another source of endless enjoyment as well as the inspiration for some Biff related materials. They have old military movies and educational films to movie reels and Drive-In movie ads all at the Internet Archive.