† Latest Strip: "Saving Throw" - Sunday, February 26, 2023

- Latest Strip: "Saving Throw" -
Sunday, February 26, 2023

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I've been at this How long?! o.o

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Biff's 17th anniversary is coming up on the 27th (That's this Monday!) and folks... I still can't believe I've been at this for this long.

Think about it. My goofy comic about monsterfolk saw the end of one game console generation, the rise and fall of two more and the start or a third.

I know that's a weird way of looking at things but I'm a Gamer who both plays and collects systems. It's also more impressive than saying something like "Biff outlasted Google Plus/Stadia/Any other project Google got tired of". That's a REALLY Long list of things. o.O

On a different note...

I've finished this Story Bit! = D

I got the last of it done a few days ago. It Should be all set to post when it needs to post but I'm still sticking to this update schedule until it does. So, expect that on... March 12th or thereabouts?

So, in two weeks. = )

I Do have at least one single strip dealie that I'm going to work on after this. I'd like to have more but we'll see.

I'm off to build some plastic weapons for my desk toys and maybe get some more writing done. I'll Try to do something for Biff's 17th but I honestly have no good ideas for it beyond trying to build a buffer and maybe picking up some good ice cream or something. = P

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, February 26, 2023 - 12:10 AM

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