† Latest Strip: "Rabbit Pt3" - Sunday, May 19, 2024

- Latest Strip: "Rabbit Pt3" -
Sunday, May 19, 2024

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Ha HA! I hit you with another "To Be Continued"! I've given myself some Real World time to figure out the ending I want to do for this particular Story Bit without it being SUPER Rushed to get it done this weekend.

Fear the Power of Cartooning! >.<

Seriously though... I still have like three or four ways this could go down. Some ideas are probably obvious to folks who have read the other times Kikka has popped up. The others are a little less so. I just need time to pick a lane and run with it, ya' know?

In the meantime, I've got some more new site work to do. If you haven't lately, you should swing by the Biff Test Site. I've added some more older info into existing pages and I'm currently trying to populate what's left to do. The next big thing to tackle is the updated Cast page. I have a way to add to it and fix it up to fit the layout but that still means I need to... you know... Do It. o.o

You can hit up the still half finished site here. -> https://test.propheka.com/

I also want to start in on the cover for the next Biff Book. It's still very much a thing I want to get done but I keep putting it to the side while I do other Biff stuff and/or things to stave off a worse burnout than I'm already fending off. Having looked at who's going to be on the cover, it should be a fun one to play around with.

I'm going off to stretch and catch some Toonami. I have some other random sketches to relax with so I'm going to just unwind with those tonight. I've got A Lot of writing ahead of me and more than a little bit of coding, too. Gotta' stop and enjoy the act of drawing stuff every once in a while.

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 12:00 AM

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