† Latest Strip: "Homecoming Pt2" - Sunday, December 8, 2024

- Latest Strip: "Homecoming Pt2" -
Sunday, December 8, 2024

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A Mini Vacation... Kinda'. o.o

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Currently, to my right, there is a pile of art stuff and books. The art stuff is Biff related (Old Strip Books taken out so I could get measurements off of things, a Script book with Bio info that I never put away). The books are mostly Kickstarter/Backer Kit rewards from the various campaigns I've backed over the past year or so. Many have all come in around the same time so I haven't gotten to read them and find a proper spot for them yet. They are currently sitting on a Perfect Grade Astray Red Frame's box and were holding up the currently unfinished MGSD Freedom kit. They are flanked by other odds and ends all in need of a proper home (or just to be put back where they came from).

What I'm saying is I'm going to hold off on any real posts 'till January.

That's not really saying much what with me at a twice-a-month posting schedule but I REALLY Need to get things in order or it'll drive me batty... Not the fun kind, either. -.-

Now, you might have picked up on the whole "Real Posts" part. I'm totally leaving room for me to pop up any Off-Sides around the Holidays as is my way.

On a Happier Note:

I picked up So Many Cables during all of those Black Friday/Shop Small Saturday/Worry If You Forgot Anyone while Gift Shopping Sunday/Cyber Monday deals! >.<

Being the resident Tech Guy in my family, I tend to run out of stuff like HDMI cables and working USB cables that aren't just for power - 'cause that's still a Thing for some reason. I'm now all loaded up and ready for the usual. I also got a bunch of short 3 foot HDMI cables for my own gear. The PS4 and Switch are right on top of my TV. Swapping out for shorter cables that aren't foolishly short keeps me from untangling cords for hours just to work and/or clean behind them. Kinda' thinking about doing the same on some of the other sets in my house just to reclaim the longer cables and save myself the pain that is dealing with dusty rats' nests of cabling.

As for that "Talk" I mentioned last time... I chunked up the Drawlloween books into two collections and gave them a set price. Five bucks for five books over on my Patreon's Shop - a thing I've been trying to find a reason for using. -> https://www.patreon.com/propheteka/shop

Anyhoo! I've got more cleaning and whatnot to do. My Art Desk is buried under stuff and starting to look like most of the flat areas in here. Wish me luck!

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up (now more than ever).

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, December 8, 2024 - 12:06 AM

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