I know, I know... news isn't good right now for a lot of us. What's good, right?
Well... this post and the fact that I've somehow managed to post up Another Comic less than a week after the last one.
This sounds like a no-brainer, right. I'm a Cartoonist. It's my job to be on the spot with updates, especially after years of having the same weekly posting schedule. But, after so long with set backs like having to update large chunks of the site's code (like the stuff you folks Don't see) and just burning myself out trying to do it all with a longer time between posts, I'm happy to say that I have indeed posted a new strip and have next week's currently sitting on the Art Desk with a little more to go on the pencils. I mean... come on.
The next strip nearly penciled.
My desire to work on it (and just artwork in general) is solid.
Terror replaced by Cautious Optimism. = P
Jokes aside, I'm happy that I took so long to get back to things without just trying to burn through other work while I was away. An honest break really did help.
As for Other Stuff:
- I Just got in some new paints for my kits. A couple of Gaia paints that show promise. I'm still trying to find a replacement for my mix of metallics that I do for my fave Brass-y color. Like past finds, these are a little off from what I normally make but I Think I can make them work together. It's a Bright Star Brass and Gold Pearl. I hoped just the former would do the trick but I think a one to one mix with the latter could get me there. Anything easier than my randomly mixing old Testors paints to get similar results is the goal.
- The Art Desk PC is acting up more as of late. If you've seen previous posts about my other systems, you know I'm no stranger to "Stupid Computer Tricks". I'm thinking about running a less-than-proper copy of Windows 11 on it. Why? 'Cause there's a solid chance I'm going to have to no matter what. That and it's a system I use for references and background noise. It's not a true Daily Driver. Perfect for doing foolish things to get a new and possibly bad feeling OS into a nice looking and functional state. = )
That's all for now. I'm off to stretch, eat something and maybe stick one of the two new stickers I got in my order from USA Gundam Store on to my computer desk alongside others I've bought from them.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can (Seriously!). Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )