On Tuesday, Bungie launched the "Moments of Triumph" for this year in Destiny 2. That's when they do up a list of things for Guardians to do (or have done) so they can get neat stuff and a title and really just give folks a reason to replay all the new stuff they released over the last year.
So I took some time tonight to try and knock a couple out.
This was a terrible idea. -.-
As you can tell from the title, I was back on that Gamer Grind. I had to earn enough reputation points with a vendor to reset my rank with them. In other words, I had to do a Whole lot of boring stuff in one area that - in this case - is new and neat yet somehow Terribly boring to run solo just so I could reset the MacGuffin and knock that triumph out. I thought I was higher up with them. It's an area I spent a lot of time in during the regular missions.
Readers... I was not.
After a few hours(!) of grinding out in the Pale Heart, I reset my rank with my Ghost and got to mark that one single triumph off the list. I then turned off my PS4 and regretted my time playing.
Not every "Moments of Triumph" dealie is like this. Most are fun or already complete from my having played the game normally. This year... not so much. I love playing Destiny but this past year was a whole lot of nothing for me with the current story finally getting interesting enough to really hold my attention like the main mission from the latest big expansion. Now my MoT list is long and filled with boring or mildly interesting missions. Not great but Hey! At least I can get another neat t-shirt out of what I've done so far.
Now it's time for me to grab some grub, dig out a new Script Book and try to come up with something nice a short. I'm sure that, once I get all the long Story Bits out of my system, I'll have a short one to do next. Needless to say, I'm probably going to skip next week's update to get that story buffer up.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can (Seriously!). Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )