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Feelin' a Little Better |
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A few things in a quick post:
- I'm going to give it a go tonight and get back to drawing the comic. My mind is a little less foggy and I'm feeling a little less sickly. Wish me luck!
- Send some love over to the folks at Little Gamers. I scoped out their game on XBox Live's XNA service and it makes for a really fun time. A cool little sidescroller from a very funny webcomic.
- Coulton, Laport, Belmont and Mann rock "Still Alive" on Rock Band at GDC. Dig it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 1:06 AM |
Feeling Old o.@ |
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It isn't so much the illness but the stuff I'm taking. I must have really run myself down pretty good to feel this stuff as I never feel this tired taking medicine. -.-
As for the comic: It'll be posted when it's done. Sorry.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - 3:38 AM |
Updating, UPDATING! >.< |
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This is a quicky post from the DS:
I'm feeling a bit under the weather. Probably the same cold from last time sent around the house again. Rerun illnesses - one of the many advantages of living in the same house as little kids. o.@
The comic will be up today or tuesday. As for me, I'm going to try and sleep.
Monday, February 18, 2008 - 4:00 AM |
Comic will be up shortly |
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Pencils are done. Working the inks.
I spent a bit of time looking into ways to update the site. Being the non-programmer that I am, I ended up being quickly confused with the sheer amount of choices out there. Thankfully, my Go-To folks that have yet to let me down - the guys and gals at the MegaTokyo Tech forums - recommend I stick with PHP. They have proven time and again that they known what they're talking about.
My question actually goes out to you, the readers. What would you like to see tech-wise go into the site? I know what I plan to work on personally but I figure I'd run it by you guys - the folks who use the site more than I do. Drop a line over in the guestbook and I'll see if I can code it. = )
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - 12:59 AM |
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