Latest Strip: "Sneakin' Snacks" - Sunday, November 10, 2013
- Latest Strip: "Sneakin' Snacks" -
Sunday, November 10, 2013
A Slight delay of game... | |
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Sorry 'bout that!
Yeah... I kinda' got wrapped up in doing a non-Biff related pic. Instead of simply putting it down and waiting 'till after I figured out some layout stuff for the next strip (which should go up tonight if I'm lucky), I ended up going overboard and finishing it up on my tablet.
Not for nothing... if the strip had to be delayed by something, I'm glad it was for artwork and not more tech difficulties. Here's the pic in question: A pin-up of Inkay, the newest squid-style Pokemon from X/Y - [LinkTastic!]
I do so love doing digital cell shading on my ThinkPad Tablet. It makes things So much cleaner and easier than fiddling around with a mouse hoping I can get it the way I want it. = )
Well, back to the Art Mines for me. I have one last panel to draw before I can start on inks and whatnot. Just felt the need to give folks an update (and share some artwork).
'Till next time! = D
*Poof* |
Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 5:19 PM |
Magical Girl IE | |
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This kinda' sorta' ties into that anime post I made earlier.
This came across my Tumblr dashboard a few days ago. I guess Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has its very own magical girl. o.O
Not for nothing, I've been known to watch cartoons with magical girls in them - Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura and Puella Magi Madoka Magica jump to mind. I dig them. The stories are neat and the artwork is good. This little short hits most of those marks (too short for much story).
I have to give credit to the team that did this, too. The last time I saw animation of this caliber tied to a product was the old 'Johnny Chase' ads from back when the T-Mobile Sidekick was first introduced. Though this seems more like a neat idea made into a sort of ad vehicle. Probably won't have me using IE for online stuff more than I do but I admit that I'd like to see where they take this. = )
Seeing as it's November and the almighty Holiday Shopping Season is almost upon us, I'm looking to add more products to the Biff Shop at Zazzle. If there's anything you folks would like to see available as a print or on some items, drop my a comment or fire off an email! I'd love to hear your thoughts.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, November 10, 2013 - 5:52 AM |
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