† Latest Strip: "Columbo'd" - Sunday, January 15, 2023

- Latest Strip: "Columbo'd" -
Sunday, January 15, 2023

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Mmm... Comics. = )

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So! Been a hot minute since I last posted a proper comic. o.O

Been sitting on this for a while, too. The idea was to get this posted in the beginning of December with everything in this story bit wrapping up right around now.

But as a wise character once said, "Nature, uh uh uh... finds a way.".

How about an actual update on things, yeah? Yeah.

November saw a number of annoyances which I mentioned in that second newspost. Some of them were temporary (like the radiator issues) while others persisted through into the new year in New and Unique ways. -.-

Not to get too deep into things but I and many others have been doing our level best to keep step with the... "Ever-Changing Landscape"... of social media - Twitter in general - and getting info/updates out to folks online. I have a few items to add to the site when I put through the annual code update. Shortest version is I'm at a bunch of new places, many have been listed here. -> [Contact LinkTastic!]

Same with the dealing with current tech advancements that have been tossed out into the aether with no real restrictions, restraints or care for the damage it'll do to various creative communities. Techbros coming in Hard with some wacky idea regarding machine learning programs and what they generate kinda' killed my desire to create for a bit but I'm slowly getting back into it.

This doesn't mean things have all been bad. I mentioned some gear updates in my previous newspost that have come in handy. My new camera mount is great. My new desk lamp with its ranges of light temp and levels has made things suck less when working at my Art Desk for a while. These things along with "Fixing" my wifi (read: Making it stronger inside my house) has got me thinking about doing art broadcasts again. Haven't really been able to do that in ages. Now I have that as a viable option. Not too shabby. = )

I've also decided to make a new Tumblr blog called 'Proph Builds' to get me working through my ever-growing backlog of model kits. In doing so, I did a bit of site coding that I like that works really well. I still need to remove all my stuff from it but I should have a nice desktop and mobile friendly theme folks can use as a template for their own blogs 'cause I wrote it like a proper website. You can view the fruits of that labor here. -> [Blog LinkTastic!]

In an effort to give myself the best chance of not getting bottlenecked by my own deadlines and keep things coming out smoothly, I'm switching to a twice-a-week update schedule 'till this story bit is done. So for the next five updates, there will be a break between things. I figure that should give me some space to actually build a buffer and maybe brace for any new issues that might come to sideline me when I least expect it.

Now I'm off to get some food. I need to get up and stretch and maybe drink some of that "Water" stuff folks keep talking about. I hear it's good for you. = P

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, January 15, 2023 - 1:11 AM

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