† Latest Strip: "Failure to Lunch Pt4" - Sunday, April 30, 2023

- Latest Strip: "Failure to Lunch Pt4" -
Sunday, April 30, 2023

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A Short-ish Break...

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With the posting of this strip, this current Story Bit is Done! = D

Now I get to do something that I kinda' knew would have to happen regardless of my thoughts on the issue...

I'm taking a short-ish break.

Here's what's on my plate at the moment:

- I have to prep for the next Story Bit. There's a new location and I'm pulling a character out from my Drawlloween/Ghouls'R Gals stuff so I need to figure out how to draw her in my Strip Style. No way around it. These just need doing 'cause the story can't happen without it. Like... literally. The opening shots are the new location I need to puzzle out. o.o

- I have still have some Non-Biff things that need doing. My computer desk is a mess and is literally falling apart in places (Namely where the bits for my keyboard tray screw into the cheap MDF). That needs fixing so I can work on Biff stuff and my other stuff. I Could ignore it but it's at my own peril. -.-

- I REALLY Want to get back on doing the Biff Books. I'm currently working in Vol.12 of my Strip Book. There's only six completed books made from said Strip Books. That's Quite the hefty backlog that I should never have let get this bad. I need to take care of that. It's not terribly high on my list but it's there.

So yeah... a short-ish break from regular comics.

I'm not going to disappear completely, though. I'll do like I usually do on these extended downtimes and post pics, photos and previews of stuff. Pencils will continue to be posted to Patreon as public posts as they happen.

And an update on the Code Stuff from last time...

It Works! It Actually Works! >.<

Despite not having a solid solution to my Password worries in place, I packed everything up and dropped it on my Patreon for folks to play with and (hopefully) improve upon. You can find it at the following link (which you'll have copy-paste yourself as I kinda' disabled running code here for the time being). -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/webcomicconfig-81770407

Come to think of it, that's Another part of things I have to do. I have to fix the whole easily posting HTML without doing the old \" thing when it comes to quotes. It's Quite a List, folks.

BUT!! I'm focusing on the Biff stuff first 'cause, well... That's the part of it that matters the most. Hard to care about reviving an old comic CMS or fixing my computer desk if I don't have a comic that requires those things be in good working order. Most of what I do (Art stuff and being a blight on Humanity) could easily be done on my Tablet PC Thingie or my phone. = )

Anyhoo! Time to stretch and stuff. Break time starts Now. >.<

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, April 30, 2023 - 12:04 AM

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