At the moment of my typing this, I'm working on some random code stuff so I can Finally make the move from my currently ancient system to something a little more modern... without worrying that I've either busted Everything or undid the fix the lead me to doing all this work all those months ago. -.-
Like the little message on the current strip says, I Think I'm ready to start in on the artwork and whatnot for the next Story Bit. What's not mentioned (as it'd have taken up too much space otherwise) is I plan on running some of my older Story Bits while I'm working on the new one. The ultimate advantage of having a comic old enough to drive is all this precious "Content" most new readers have probably never seen.
First up: No, I won't be reposting my back catalog as "New" comics so don't worry if you're an RSS only person.
I'm not going to blast your feeds with a firehose of old strips. That'd be devastating to my archive. What I Am going to do is resume doing the weekly updates like the newsletter and the various social media places that still function after today with what I call 'Classic Biff' strips.
It's more or less just the same as I always roll but with links to an older Story Bit that I think fits in well with what's to come.
How long will this last? Well, until I'm good and ready to drop the new strips and/or after I finish posting links to those older Story Bits. Although I'm not an exceptionally big fan of reruns, I'm even less of a fan of either completely dead air or cutting a story off before its done. = )
As for the briefly mentioned code stuff...
- I found an issue with how the updated code did Titles. Turns out, I forgot to mess with the amount of characters webcomicConfig's scripts used to both change the number of titles and add new ones onto the list that is the Titles file. After A LOT of trial and error, I got to where I need it and it's back to working correctly.
- I found that I forgot to change where the newsposts were placed after they were created. Instead of them going into the User's dedicated News folder, it just dropped them in the site's Main folder. They were thankfully still formatted correctly so a quick update placed them where they needed to be.
- I have yet to find a WYSIWYG-style way of making posts that I both like and that I can safely drop into the webcomicConfig Revive files so... still no HTML in newsposts.
I know that last bit seems trivial to some but it helps to be able to add pics or drop links or embed videos when you have links to stuff/pics you've drawn/videos you've made that you'd like to share with your readers. Doing it safely so as to mitigate random XSS attacks if/when an uninterested party gets into the Admin stuff (or just making sure the average cartoonist running this stuff later can do it with the least amount of extra coding knowledge) is my goal.
It is currently kinda' humid and a little hot here at the House of Amill. Not as bad as elsewhere at the moment (thankfully) but still a slightly sticky situation. -.-
I'm off to eat, stretch and then check out how I might implement some BBCode stuff on the backend. I also need to finally get off my butt and properly update the functional code here to what I've got so far. I'll keep folks posted with those results... you know, assuming things don't absolutely break for a while. Then Anyone visiting will know I done goofed.
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )