† Latest Strip: "Verify" - Sunday, December 17, 2023

- Latest Strip: "Verify" -
Sunday, December 17, 2023

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Tech Stuff...

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Ha HA! Yeah... tech stuff. -.-

At the time of writing this, I'm currently trying to figure out how to spark a broadcast.

"But Proph, you've done this a ton of times before. What's there to figure out?"

Welp. Tonight I tried. My current setup is the same as it's been for a while now with slightly better cable organization. I go to pop open on of my streaming programs and I get nothing. No image or audio from my Art Desk camera. There's the telltale ticking of it kicking over (I think it's an internal shutter sound). I close that one out and try another. And the backup program to those...

Nothing. Nada. Not even a sketchy quality image. -.-

Seeing as my current Art Desk system is a lot better than the last one, I plug the camera into that and see if it still functions. Thankfully, it does! That means the issue is the extension cable I've had for ages. A cheap solution, right? Technically yes. But one I have to wait 'till the local store are open to pick one up.

I Do have some Ethernet cable. I could - In Theory - link my Main and Art Desk systems together. Would I be able to stream audio and video through this link? No idea. Never tried it before. I know something akin to this is possible as there are Twitch streamers who run a dual setup for their streams. One beefy system handles the game while another deals with the less intensive streaming.

That's the plan, at least. I want to try to stream and that's a thing I can whip up real quick. Failing that, I'll have to install one of my video programs onto my Art Desk system to (Possibly) stream from there or (Probably) record the pic I wanted to draw tonight.

As for the usual, I'm going to go drown my tech-based sorrows in some peppermint ice cream and a Christmas Special or two. It's been a long day and I'm ahead enough with the finished Strip Buffer that I can spare another day or two doing something else. Something like my annual Xmas Gift Tag. It's something I look forward to doing each year and I Think I have an idea for this one that should be fun... assuming I don't change my mind again. = P

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, December 17, 2023 - 12:14 AM

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